Tally Digital Signature

What is a digital signature?

Traditional way of signing invoices may become time-consuming since it requires you to take a printout of invoice, get it signed, and then courier it to the recipient. This whole process is time consuming and involves unnecessary costs.

Digital signature is a coded message with a mathematical scheme that represents a person’s signature digitally.

In Tally, while generating an invoice, you can generate the digital signature of the authoritative person and mail the digitally signed invoice to the recipient within no time and involves no direct costs at all. In this way the invoice is sent and received by the recipient in no time and in a secure manner.

Why must your business use digitally signed documents?

  • It allows you to be 100% sure that the documents have NOT been altered by a third party while being sent through mail or any other digital transmission. Typically, in a digitally signed invoice, a green tick symbolises that the document has not been tampered and is authentic. Thus easily understood by everyone
  • Save huge paper, printing and courier costs every month by simply sending digitally signed invoices

Who is Tally Digital Signature best suited for?

  • This addon, is a must-have for every business that uses Tally software
  • If you’re a growing business that is moving towards digitization of processes, digital signature in Tally is a must
  • Along with providing tamper-free invoices, it also improves your brand image. It confirms your business is compliant with the latest technology standards
  • Perfect for businesses that work with other businesses (B2B businesses)

Benefits of Tally Digital Signature

  • Send digitally signed invoices to customer
  • Improves efficiency
  • Time saving
  • Cost cutting tool
  • Secure way of digitally sending invoices